Hero or Villain?

power of words Jun 09, 2019

I Teach - What's your Superpower?!

I love this saying!  Somewhat, for the image of being able to run around with a cape on! Who doesn't love a cape?! But I love it mainly because it offers me the reminder of the power that lies with me as a teacher of little humans. Something I have been noticing quite significantly in recent days.

While they don't technically belong to me, nor do I take them home each day, I am consciously aware of the number of hours I spend with 'my kids' every day and as a result, the impact I am capable of making. 

But here's the thing...

The impact can go one of two ways. While most teachers are heroes (and I have had the greatest pleasure of working with so many over the years), I have also witnessed the 'villain'. I often wondered what the impact would be in the years to come. There are so many little phrases that I have heard used so flippantly (and I am sure in the past, have used them myself) that when I hear them now...actually make me cringe. 

How we speak and what we say as teachers (and as parents), will forever impact the children in our care -  in one way or another...even the small stuff. 

It is for this reason...

...that I consistently try to be deliberate and conscious of my language and how I use my words to interact and work through the issues that arise each day which ultimately led me to the realisation that I can share this with others!

Do I always get it right? Unfortunately, no! 

Do I apologise to a six-year-old when I could have managed the situation better? Absolutely. After all...I am only human!

What is something you say regularly, that you might be able to say better?

 What is something that was said to you that did not lift you up, but you find yourself saying it now in moments of frustration, anger or disappointment? How can you say it differently? 

I would love to hear from you below!

PROMISE you...if we all became more conscious of what we were saying, the impact would continue to be seen for generations to come! (And there may also be less need for therapists in the future!)

'Do not ever question the power you have with the people you teach. Learning is inherently vulnerable and it's like you've got a classroom full of turtles without shells We can inflict the most damage and heal the most wounds' - Brene Brown

Until next week....have a conscious and mindful week!







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