Time to be Kind

The world needs more kindness.

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This message is loud and clear everywhere we turn.

And yet, in our day to day actions, we still hear and see others doing or saying unkind things - kids and adults alike.

Being kind is not complicated.

But where do we start?

Kindness begins by understanding that we all struggle.

Everyone I know, everyone I meet - while our experiences in lives are different and varied, our worries, concerns and struggles are the same. We ALL have the same thoughts and ask ourselves the SAME questions. Every single person on the planet.

 Am I good enough?  Am I enough? Am I worthy of ~ Am I loved?  Do I have enough time?  Do I have enough money?  What if I get it wrong? 

We are all aware that other people have struggles. We are all aware that we don't know the ins and outs of what is happening in people's day to day lives, other than our own.

And yet...we live in a society that, while we are definitely...

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Be the Example

Do as I say, not as I do.

This is a phrase that has been kicked around for years - especially when teachers or parents want kids to do something they are asking.

I heard it recently again and it took me by surprise because I had not really paid much attention to this particular phrase before. But if you think about it really carefully...this is a phrase, I think, should be eliminated from every single person's vocabulary.

I know this phrase was used a LOT on my generation when we were kids - and yes, we turned out ok! But the world is different for kids today. There are different (and many more)  influences and people or peers that they can watch and follow and listen to.

So what do we need to do so that our little humans grow up, through their challenging teen years and into adulthood in a way that allows them to: be themselves, as well as being contributing members of society and leading great lives that impact others?

We lead the way by...

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Mindset - Why Bother?


A set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines one's behaviour, outlook and mental attitude.

When it comes to our mindset, we have probably heard heaps of motivational quotes designed to inspire us to change and become more positive in our thinking. Over the years, I have read these quotes and thought..."Yes! I am going to do that!' or 'I really love this quote but the reality is....(insert excuse here)'

 Is mindset really that important? 

 Do we actually need to be conscious of our self-talk?

 Is there any point to teaching our little humans how to do it?

 What has to happen for a change in mindset to actually stick?

The bottom line is - we want to be happy and live a happy life. We only get one chance to do it right.

And yet...we still move through our days with frustration or stress or overwhelm. I spent most of my life in overwhelm, which led to stress and frustration. I wasn't...

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Gift of Appreciation

Here is what I know for certain:

Every person on the planet likes to be appreciated and know that they are appreciated. 

Every person.

And yet...there are so many people who feel unappreciated?

A person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.

It doesn't take a lot and I personally believe, most people don't need the big party or public accolades. Sometimes it is the smaller moments of appreciation that feel the most genuine and real.

I received a certificate this week for a nomination I received a couple of months back. The thought that someone within my school community had taken the time to nominate me was enough to feel appreciated.

I think while we often talk about how we appreciate things or people, we do not acknowledge it enough. Showing gratitude and appreciation is one of the simplest and most powerful things we can do for each other as humans.


 Everyone wants to be appreciated.

So if you appreciate someone - don't keep it a secret. Do...

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Hero or Villain?

power of words Jun 09, 2019

I Teach - What's your Superpower?!

I love this saying!  Somewhat, for the image of being able to run around with a cape on! Who doesn't love a cape?! But I love it mainly because it offers me the reminder of the power that lies with me as a teacher of little humans. Something I have been noticing quite significantly in recent days.

While they don't technically belong to me, nor do I take them home each day, I am consciously aware of the number of hours I spend with 'my kids' every day and as a result, the impact I am capable of making. 

But here's the thing...

The impact can go one of two ways. While most teachers are heroes (and I have had the greatest pleasure of working with so many over the years), I have also witnessed the 'villain'. I often wondered what the impact would be in the years to come. There are so many little phrases that I have heard used so flippantly (and I am sure in the past, have used them myself) that when I hear them...

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Clarissa & Veronica xo