Time to be Kind

The world needs more kindness.

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This message is loud and clear everywhere we turn.

And yet, in our day to day actions, we still hear and see others doing or saying unkind things - kids and adults alike.

Being kind is not complicated.

But where do we start?

Kindness begins by understanding that we all struggle.

Everyone I know, everyone I meet - while our experiences in lives are different and varied, our worries, concerns and struggles are the same. We ALL have the same thoughts and ask ourselves the SAME questions. Every single person on the planet.

 Am I good enough?  Am I enough? Am I worthy of ~ Am I loved?  Do I have enough time?  Do I have enough money?  What if I get it wrong? 

We are all aware that other people have struggles. We are all aware that we don't know the ins and outs of what is happening in people's day to day lives, other than our own.

And yet...we live in a society that, while we are definitely...

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Clarissa & Veronica xo