Mindset - Why Bother?


A set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines one's behaviour, outlook and mental attitude.

When it comes to our mindset, we have probably heard heaps of motivational quotes designed to inspire us to change and become more positive in our thinking. Over the years, I have read these quotes and thought..."Yes! I am going to do that!' or 'I really love this quote but the reality is....(insert excuse here)'

 Is mindset really that important? 

 Do we actually need to be conscious of our self-talk?

 Is there any point to teaching our little humans how to do it?

 What has to happen for a change in mindset to actually stick?

The bottom line is - we want to be happy and live a happy life. We only get one chance to do it right.

And yet...we still move through our days with frustration or stress or overwhelm. I spent most of my life in overwhelm, which led to stress and frustration. I wasn't...

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Clarissa & Veronica xo