I'm SO Stressed Out!

Oh my goodness! I am SO stressed!

You have NO idea how much I have to do! I don't know how I am going to do it all! There isn't enough time in the day! I just need ONE day to catch up on everything!

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Sound familiar?

Yep. These phrases are amongst the most commonly used phrases you will hear people use. As we move further into the year I am hearing it even more because it is about now that most of us feel this sense of urgency about the year and how far into it we are and what we wanted to do but have not yet done. 

There is also this sense of urgency with teachers about trying to fit it all in and get everything done in the time we have.

Personally, I am the least stressed I have been in a very long time. I feel the occasional stresses of things getting done in my day to day life but it is not a place or feeling I spend a lot of time on. For years, I was so stressed at work, about work, about life in general. It sucked. I was unhappy and frustrated and...

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Mindset - Why Bother?


A set of beliefs or a way of thinking that determines one's behaviour, outlook and mental attitude.

When it comes to our mindset, we have probably heard heaps of motivational quotes designed to inspire us to change and become more positive in our thinking. Over the years, I have read these quotes and thought..."Yes! I am going to do that!' or 'I really love this quote but the reality is....(insert excuse here)'

 Is mindset really that important? 

 Do we actually need to be conscious of our self-talk?

 Is there any point to teaching our little humans how to do it?

 What has to happen for a change in mindset to actually stick?

The bottom line is - we want to be happy and live a happy life. We only get one chance to do it right.

And yet...we still move through our days with frustration or stress or overwhelm. I spent most of my life in overwhelm, which led to stress and frustration. I wasn't...

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Let it Go!

So here we are....heading towards the end of 2019. The year is quickly coming to an end. This is often the time when we start to wonder where the year went and we set renewed intentions, renewed goals, renewed visions and plans. 


Hands up if you want 2019 to end as the BEST and happiest year yet!

Me too!

So how do we do that if we have not let go of stuff that has happened this year?

We can't! 

We (unfortunately), cannot control a lot of things that pop up in our lives BUT we can control our reactions and responses to them and how long we hold onto them for!

We all have situations and people in our lives that frustrate us and annoy us and hurt us and so often we spend so much time and energy focusing on that and feeling horrible. We all know that where focus goes, energy flows so why do we spend so much of our time focusing on the people or situations that affect us in a negative way?

I don't know either! But what I do know is I...

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You are Enough

Atelophobia [A-tel-o-pho-bia]

The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.

Over the last couple of years, I have learned that every single person on the entire planet suffers from this. Everyone. It impacts different areas of our lives and shows up differently for different people, but everyone feels it.

The question I want to ask is: WHY?

Why do we feel like we are not good enough? What is the reason we think this? What has happened in our life that we think this thought is justifiable in any way, shape or form?

It is only coming from two sources: ourselves and our own thoughts or other people and society

Here is the Image result for crazy thing about it all: 

 If WE are telling ourselves we are not good enough - it is just all made up anyway! Our mind is designed to keep us safe and it does that by responding to our fear and uncertainty. So it tells us we are not good enough because that way - we...

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Bend or Snap

I have always said I am an easy going kind of person.

I think my strengths are that I like people, I love to talk, ask questions, get to know others. I believe I am easy to get along with. 

I like to think that I am not easily phased when things go wrong or don't go according to my plan or the plan I had in my head. For this, I would have used the word flexible...but I have been wondering lately...how flexible I really am!

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The definition of the word flexible is: 

Ready and able to change so as to adapt to different circumstances.
Some of the other words used in the definition were easy-going, tolerant, forgiving.
But I think there is more power and meaning in other words like:

 I have learnt all about certainty and uncertainty and how they are two of our six human needs and every person has these needs. I have also heard the quote from Tony Robbins that says:
The quality of your...
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Clarissa & Veronica xo