It's a Habit!

I have a confession.

Sometimes I find I spend too much time avoiding what I know I need to do, to get our message out to the world.

What has been getting in the way? Old patterns of fear.

I assumed once you had worked through all those old patterns of thinking and behaviour, that they would be gone for good! But nope! I am discovering more and more about how very human we all are and how, while we can be working on ourselves to be better and change our patterns, that things can pop up in our life that trigger old habits and patterns.

And that's exactly what happened a few weeks ago. The old patterns that popped up were - old habits of procrastination, self-doubt and fear. It sounds crazy, but it's true. I have to own it and acknowledge them in order to move forward and also, because I do not want to be in pain anymore....and that's what was happening.

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I know for a fact that most people are always wanting to...

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You are Enough

Atelophobia [A-tel-o-pho-bia]

The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.

Over the last couple of years, I have learned that every single person on the entire planet suffers from this. Everyone. It impacts different areas of our lives and shows up differently for different people, but everyone feels it.

The question I want to ask is: WHY?

Why do we feel like we are not good enough? What is the reason we think this? What has happened in our life that we think this thought is justifiable in any way, shape or form?

It is only coming from two sources: ourselves and our own thoughts or other people and society

Here is the Image result for crazy thing about it all: 

 If WE are telling ourselves we are not good enough - it is just all made up anyway! Our mind is designed to keep us safe and it does that by responding to our fear and uncertainty. So it tells us we are not good enough because that way - we...

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Clarissa & Veronica xo