You are Enough

Atelophobia [A-tel-o-pho-bia]

The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.

Over the last couple of years, I have learned that every single person on the entire planet suffers from this. Everyone. It impacts different areas of our lives and shows up differently for different people, but everyone feels it.

The question I want to ask is: WHY?

Why do we feel like we are not good enough? What is the reason we think this? What has happened in our life that we think this thought is justifiable in any way, shape or form?

It is only coming from two sources: ourselves and our own thoughts or other people and society

Here is the Image result for crazy thing about it all: 

 If WE are telling ourselves we are not good enough - it is just all made up anyway! Our mind is designed to keep us safe and it does that by responding to our fear and uncertainty. So it tells us we are not good enough because that way - we don't have to change or take a risk or do anything that feels scary or uncertain. We stay safe. We live safe but we also live small. 

 If other people are telling us we are not good enough - don't you think it's interesting that the people who are saying it, are thinking the same thing and that they are also being held back by fear and uncertainty too?

If we, as adults, do not learn how to tackle this in our own lives and become more conscious and mindful of our own language and thoughts - we are going to discover that we have inadvertently conditioned our little humans to think the same way and have the same fear.

I know for a fact that neither you nor I want that for our kids.

So what can we do?


 We are already enough. We are enough because we were BORN enough. 

It's that simple. We are loved because we are love. We are worthy because we were born worthy. I don't care what your background is, where you have come from, what you have done in the past, what mistakes you have made, who you are related to. The fact is - we can be and do and become whatever we choose and decide and take action on because we already have everything we need within us for where we are, right now

 The only person you need to be good enough for is you.

Don't let us keep deluding ourselves. We do not need to be good enough for any person, any job, or anything that we want to learn, move forward on and grow in etc. We just have to know that everything we need, for where we are in life at this moment, is within us. 

That does not mean, that we don't want to be living our best life for the people we love and care about, because we all striving to be the best versions of ourselves. It simply means, that even on the days we feel like we are not the best versions of ourselves or on the days we completely get it all wrong and everything feels like it falling apart - even in those moments, knowing we are doing the best we can, that we are only human, that we were born worthy of everything that is happening for us in our lives - we are enough. It's okay if someone doesn't like what we said or did but it doesn't mean we are not good enough or not deserving enough.

 You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it

How lucky are we - that we get to live this life? It's ours. In its entirety from beginning to end. Your life is not your husband's life, it is not your wife's life or your children's or your friend's life. It is not the life of the people you work with or that family member that might question your actions, choices or decisions - your life is yours and yours alone. 

Regardless of what your beliefs might be - you were born and given this life for a reason. I don't know what that is but you will. But whatever lessons you need to learn, whatever mistakes you are going to make, whatever growth you are going to have - it is yours. Own it. Embrace it. Know that you are good enough and strong enough because that is how your life started. You were born with the strength already predetermined. Our job is learning to tap into it!


It is our responsibility to:

 Know you are infinitely worthy and unconditionally loved. 

Know that you are good enough. Stop worrying if you are pretty enough, strong enough, rich enough, smart enough. You must know that you are enough because you were born enough. Don't let any negative thought you have power, over you. Take a deep breath and know that you matter and that you're good enough.

 Be conscious and mindful of what we are saying to ourselves and learn to understand and accept that we are good enough for anyone and anything we want to do in this incredible life.

 Tell our little humans - of all ages - that they are enough, they are good enough, they were born enough, they are inherently worthy and deserving of this life and everything it has to offer them!

It does not have to be complicated. It can be as simple as:

You are enough. You were born enough. Nothing you say or do will ever add or subtract from who you are!

Our greatest contribution to the world, might not be something you do but someone you raise!

Important things to remember daily:

 Our worth is defined by how we feel about ourselves not how other people feel about it. 

We should never let anyone make us feel like we are not worthy or good enough for anything. 

 No one's life is as perfect as their Instagram feed!

Social media is a great way for people, who do not feel like they are good enough, to hide behind. You were born to be real, not perfect. It is necessary to know who you are and know it's enough. 

 Get serious about your life

Now is the time to get fierce about your life and grab it with everything you have in you! You only get one shot at this life. This is not a dress rehearsal!

To the people who want to tell you that you are not good enough - I wonder what their fear is? They are afraid as well. This is not about you, it is about them and their thoughts.

To you and I - I say, this is it. You are valuable. You have got your journey to share. You have got your gifts to share. Stop being selfish by not sharing your true self with the world because you think you are not good enough. The world needs you. 


You are more than enough. You are precious, unique and worth being adored, cherished and treasured. You are smart enough, good enough, strong enough, worthy enough, needed enough and beautiful enough for anything and everything this world has to offer you.

Just being born make you worthy enough to be here! (Oprah Winfrey)

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Until next week....have the most amazing week!

Talk To Your Brain Team xo




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