The Blame Game

blame responsibility Aug 12, 2019

Let's face it...when things go wrong or don't go our way in life, it seems easier to pass the blame onto someone or something else. And, my experience and observations have been, that more often than not, we find ourselves blaming our upbringing for different things in our life as well. 

I watch and listen to my students and often see my younger self in them and I see and hear the blame game in everyday situations. When emotions are high and we are struggling to keep it all together, it is far less painful to look outside of yourself than to look inwards. Looking inwards requires delving into the dark side of our thoughts and emotions and often they are places we try to avoid. But avoiding the hard stuff and avoiding responsibility for the hard stuff doesn't give us the opportunity to learn and grow and become who we need to be. 

So what if we taught our little humans (and ourselves in the process) how to not only take responsibility for their...

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