React vs Respond

Have you ever thought - "Oh my goodness, I probably shouldn't have said that?"

It is likely to be certain that we have all been in a situation where something has happened or someone has said something and we have felt anger or frustration. The feeling of anger and frustration is human and perfectly normal but often when we are in the heat of the moment, we react to the situation and say things that might hurt someone else's feelings or we carry it with us throughout the day and let it ruin our day.

Last week, I made an assumption about something I thought I was right about. It was the end of the school day, I was busy trying to hand things out and get the kids ready to go home. One of my students made a comment and I made an assumption, based on what I thought I knew, that what he was saying was incorrect. He became frustrated with me and I became frustrated with the whole situation. Once I had done a little research, I realised I had made a mistake! Boy, did I feel bad!...

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Hero or Villain?

power of words Jun 09, 2019

I Teach - What's your Superpower?!

I love this saying!  Somewhat, for the image of being able to run around with a cape on! Who doesn't love a cape?! But I love it mainly because it offers me the reminder of the power that lies with me as a teacher of little humans. Something I have been noticing quite significantly in recent days.

While they don't technically belong to me, nor do I take them home each day, I am consciously aware of the number of hours I spend with 'my kids' every day and as a result, the impact I am capable of making. 

But here's the thing...

The impact can go one of two ways. While most teachers are heroes (and I have had the greatest pleasure of working with so many over the years), I have also witnessed the 'villain'. I often wondered what the impact would be in the years to come. There are so many little phrases that I have heard used so flippantly (and I am sure in the past, have used them myself) that when I hear them...

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